Friday, April 5, 2013

Just to write. Right? Write.

I know that its not too often that you come across many men who have blogs for no particular reason  It seems (at least to me) to be mostly the ladies who take the time to write down thoughts and observations.  

Well, I don't care.

I have no inclination as to how often I'll feel compelled to update this, so it might not be that exciting. Regardless, I've decided to give it a go. 

And here's why...

Today as I was sitting in my 310 Grammar class, I suddenly and inexplicably felt an incredible, heart wrenching longing for Summer. At first I was kind of confused because Summer has never been one of my favorite seasons (I'd rate it 3rd out of the 4). Then I realized what it was that I was feeling.

When I think about Summer and being a kid, I have a very distinct image that comes to mind. It's nothing super fancy, its just a simple view from street level in the neighborhood development that I lived in when I was in 4th grade. Its just a view looking down the street, at all the suburban homes lined up one after another. But its the very beginning of dusk. The sky looks like its on fire and everything; the houses, the cars, the street signs, the other kids, the pavement; everything, seems like it is shimmering gold. 

Its not just this image that is beautiful to me. Its the feeling. And what it felt like to be there in that moment. Remember when you could just go outside and play? When you were old enough to be trusted to run around the neighborhood with the other kids but still too young to be seriously deceitful and destructive? How beautiful was that? What happens to that?

I think that's what my heart was longing for.

At first it made me kind of sad. Thinking about innocence and how it doesn't last. But then I started thinking about my boys and it made me smile. I'm glad that I got to experience that and I'm glad that someday they will too. I want to be there to help them linger in those moments for as long as they can. 

I believe in Heaven. I believe it is a place where there is no darkness or shifting shadow. Where there is no deceit or destruction. Where the Sovereign Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will be worshiped throughout eternity. Where we will come face to face with Love, Power, Truth, and Goodness. 

I also believe that those childish Summer evenings, when the good Lord is burning up the sky to create a blank canvas for what tomorrow will hold, just might be as close to Heaven as we will ever get while here on Earth. 

So, that's my story about wanting to start a blog.
Stick around.


  1. Love, love, loved it. Excellent first post.
    - Your wife, and fellow blogger :p

  2. You remind me of when I was jogging one afternoon and entered into a park area. The smell of the dirt infield and sound of the boys calling out "eh batter batter" made me stop. I just sat and watched kids that I didn't know play baseball for hours and it brought back the same memories. The Lord is burning up the sky to create a blank canvas for what tomorrow will hold - he is dragging the rake across the infield to make the dirt smooth again for tomorrows game. Indeed those childish evenings might be as close to heaven as we will ever get while here on earth. Great first post!

  3. Totally can relate my kids were out having a picnic in the yard for lunch today. It brought back so many feeling and memories of Heidi, Jeni and I that I wish I could go back and feel that again. It is such a blessing to see my kids though being able to be carefree.
